Friday, January 31, 2025

Alma 12 annotated

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Annotation of Alma 12 – preliminary

Alma 12 is a good example because it shows that a high percentage of Book of Mormon language is also KJV language. Few of the KJV words/phrases are not also found in Edwards, including the so-called "blended" passages.

The blue Book of Mormon words/phrases in the annotation are nonbiblical and also not found in Edwards. In some cases noted below, the nonbiblical language is close to Edwards (e.g., plural instead of singular). There are several examples in the Book of Mormon of paraphrased or misquoted passages from the KJV that are identical to paraphrased or misquoted KJV passages in Edwards' works.

The red words/phrases are nonbiblical Book of Mormon wording that are also found in Edwards' works.

Purple are nonbiblical Book of Mormon words/phrases similar to Edwards.

Naturally, Edwards is not the only person who ever used this nonbiblical Book of Mormon terminology. English is a common language or we couldn't understand one another. But the ready availability of Edwards' works in Palmyra during Joseph's youth indicates that Edwards was a possible source for Joseph's vocabulary that he used when translating the plates.


Bold = KJV 

Blue = nonbiblical BofM/D&C w/o JE (If unique to this instance, no footnote is given)

Red = nonbiblical BofM/D&C and JE 

Purple = nonbiblical BofM/D&C similar to JE


Chapter 12


Alma speaks to Zeezrom—The mysteries of God can be given only to the faithful—Men are judged by their thoughts, beliefs, words, and works—The wicked will suffer a spiritual death—This mortal life is a probationary state—The plan of redemption brings to pass the Resurrection and, through faith, a remission of sins—The repentant have a claim on mercy through the Only Begotten Son. About 82 B.C.


1 Now Alma, seeing that[1] the words of Amulek had silenced[2] Zeezrom, for he beheld that Amulek had caught him[3] in his lying and deceiving[4] to destroy him, and seeing that he began to tremble[5] under a consciousness[6] of his guilt[7], he opened his mouth[8] and began to speak unto him, and to establish the words of Amulek, and to explain things beyond, or to unfold[9] the scriptures beyond that which[10] Amulek had done.

2 Now the words that Alma spake unto Zeezrom were heard by the people round about[11]; for the multitude was great, and he spake on this wise[12]:

3 Now Zeezrom, seeing that thou hast been taken in[13] thy lying and craftiness[14], for thou hast not lied unto men[15] only but thou hast lied unto God[16]; for behold, he knows all thy thoughts[17], and thou seest that thy thoughts are made known unto us by his Spirit[18];

4 And thou seest that we know that thy plan[19] was a very subtle[20] plan, as to the subtlety[21] of the devil, for to lie and to deceive this people[22] that thou mightest set them against us, to revile[23] us and to cast us out—

5 Now this was a plan of[24] thine adversary, and he hath exercised his power[25] in thee. Now I would that ye should remember[26] that what I say unto thee I say unto all[27].

6 And behold I say unto you all that this was a snare[28] of the adversary[29], which he has laid[30] to catch this people, that he might bring you into subjection[31] unto him, that he might encircle[32] you about with his chains, that he might chain you down to everlasting destruction[33], according to the power of his captivity[34].

7 Now when Alma had spoken these words, Zeezrom began to tremble more exceedingly[35], for he was convinced[36] more and more[37] of the power of God[38]; and he was also convinced that Alma and Amulek had a knowledge of him[39], for he was convinced that they knew the thoughts and intents[40] of his heart[41]; for power was given[42] unto them that they might know of these things according to the spirit of prophecy[43].

8 And Zeezrom began to inquire of them[44] diligently, that he might know more concerning[45] the kingdom of God[46]. And he said unto Alma: What does this mean[47] which Amulek hath spoken concerning the resurrection of the dead[48], that all shall rise from the dead[49], both the just and the unjust[50], and are brought to stand[51] before God[52] to be judged according to their works[53]?

9 And now Alma began to expound[54] these things[55] unto him, saying: It is given unto many to know the mysteries of God[56]; nevertheless they are laid under[57] a strict command[58] that they shall not impart[59] only according to[60] the portion of his word which he doth grant unto the children of men[61], according to the heed and diligence[62] which they give unto him.

10 And therefore, he that will harden his heart[63], the same receiveth the lesser portion[64] of the word; and he that will not harden his heart, to him is given the greater portion of the word, until it is given unto him to know the mysteries of God until he know them in full[65].

11 And they that will harden their hearts[66], to them is given the lesser portion[67] of the word until they know nothing[68] concerning[69] his mysteries[70]; and then they are taken captive[71] by the devil[72], and led by his will down to destruction[73]. Now this is what is meant by the chains of hell[74].

12 And Amulek hath spoken plainly[75] concerning death[76], and being raised from this mortality[77] to a state of immortality[78], and being brought before[79] the bar of God[80], to be judged according to our works[81].

13 Then if our hearts have been hardened, yea, if we have hardened our hearts against the word[82], insomuch that it has not been found in us[83], then will our state[84] be awful[85], for then we shall be condemned[86].

14 For our words will condemn us[87], yea, all our works[88] will condemn us; we shall not be found[89] spotless[90]; and our thoughts[91] will also condemn us; and in this awful state[92] we shall not dare to[93] look up to[94] our God; and we would fain[95] be glad if we could command the rocks and the mountains to fall upon us[96] to hide us from[97] his presence.

15 But this cannot be; we must come forth[98] and stand before him[99] in his glory[100], and in his power, and in his might, majesty, and dominion[101], and acknowledge to[102] our everlasting shame that all his judgments are just[103]; that he is just[104] in all his works[105], and that he is merciful[106] unto the children of men, and that he has all power to save[107] every man that believeth on his name and bringeth forth fruit meet for repentance[108].

16 And now behold, I say unto you then cometh a death, even a second death[109], which is a spiritual death[110]; then is a time that whosoever dieth in his sins, as to a temporal death[111], shall also die a spiritual death; yea, he shall die as to things pertaining[112] unto righteousness.

17 Then is the time[113] when their torments[114] shall be as a lake of fire and brimstone[115], whose flame ascendeth up forever and ever[116]; and then is the time that[117] they shall be chained down[118] to an everlasting destruction, according to the power[119] and captivity of Satan, he having subjected them[120] according to his will[121].

18 Then, I say unto you, they shall be as though[122] there had been no redemption made[123]; for they cannot be redeemed[124] according to God’s justice; and they cannot die, seeing there is no more corruption[125].

19 Now it came to pass that when Alma had made an end of[126] speaking these words[127], the people began to be more astonished[128];

20 But there was one Antionah, who was a chief ruler among them, came forth and said unto him: What is this that[129] thou hast said, that man should rise from the dead[130] and be changed from[131] this mortal to an immortal state[132], that the soul can[133] never die[134]?

21 What does the scripture mean, which saith that God placed cherubim and a flaming sword[135] on the east of the garden of Eden[136], lest our first parents[137] should enter and partake of the fruit of the tree of life[138], and live forever[139]? And thus we see that there was no possible chance that they should live forever.

22 Now Alma said unto him: This is the thing which I was about to explain[140]. Now we see that Adam did fall by the partaking of the forbidden fruit[141], according to the word of God[142]; and thus we see[143], that by his fall[144], all mankind[145] became a lost and fallen people.

23 And now behold, I say unto you that if it had been possible[146] for Adam to have partaken of the fruit of the tree of life at that time, there would have been[147] no death[148], and the word would have been void[149], making God a liar[150], for he said: If thou eat thou shalt surely die[151].

24 And we see that death comes upon[152] mankind, yea, the death which[153] has been spoken of by Amulek, which is the temporal death; nevertheless there was a space granted unto man[154] in which he might repent[155]; therefore this life became a probationary state[156]; a time to prepare[157] to meet God[158]; a time to prepare[159] for that endless state[160] which has been spoken of by us, which is after the resurrection of the dead.

25 Now, if it had not been[161] for the plan of redemption[162], which was laid from the foundation of the world[163], there could have been no resurrection of the dead; but there was a plan of redemption laid, which shall bring to pass[164] the resurrection of the dead, of which has been spoken[165].

26 And now behold, if it were possible[166] that our first parents[167] could have gone[168] forth and partaken[169] of the tree of life[170] they would have been[171] forever miserable[172], having no preparatory state[173]; and thus the plan of redemption would have been frustrated[174], and the word of God would have been void[175], taking[176] none effect[177].

27 But behold, it was not so[178]; but it was appointed unto men[179] that they must die[180]; and after death[181], they must come to judgment[182], even that same judgment[183] of which we have[184] spoken, which is the end[185].

28 And after God had appointed[186] that these things should come[187] unto man[188], behold, then he saw that it was expedient[189] that man should know[190] concerning the things[191] whereof he had appointed unto[192] them;

29 Therefore he sent angels[193] to converse with them[194], who caused men[195] to behold of his glory.

30 And they began from that time forth[196] to call on his name[197]; therefore God conversed with men, and made known unto them[198] the plan of redemption, which had been prepared[199] from the foundation of the world; and this he made known[200] unto them according to their[201] faith and repentance[202] and their holy works[203].

31 Wherefore, he gave commandments[204] unto men, they having first transgressed the first commandments[205] as to things which were temporal[206], and becoming as gods, knowing good from evil[207], placing themselves in a state to act[208], or being placed in[209] a state to act according to their wills[210] and pleasures, whether to do evil or to do good[211]

32 Therefore God gave unto them[212] commandments, after having made known[213] unto them the plan of redemption, that they should not do evil[214], the penalty[215] thereof being a second death, which was an everlasting death[216] as to things[217] pertaining unto[218] righteousness; for on such[219] the plan of redemption could have no power[220], for the works of justice[221] could not be destroyed[222], according to the supreme[223] goodness of God[224].

33 But God did call on men, in the name of his Son, (this being[225] the plan of redemption which was laid[226]) saying: If ye will repent, and harden not your hearts[227], then will I have mercy[228] upon you, through mine[229] Only Begotten Son[230];

34 Therefore, whosoever repenteth[231], and hardeneth not his heart, he shall have claim on mercy through mine Only Begotten Son, unto a remission of his sins[232]; and these shall enter into my rest[233].

35 And whosoever will harden his heart[234] and will do iniquity[235], behold, I swear in my wrath[236] that he shall not enter into my rest.

36 And now, my brethren, behold I say unto you, that if ye will harden your hearts[237] ye shall not enter into the rest of the Lord[238]; therefore your iniquity[239] provoketh him[240] that he sendeth down his wrath[241] upon you as in the first[242] provocation[243], yea, according to his word[244] in the last[245] provocation as well as the first, to the everlasting destruction of your souls[246]; therefore, according to his word, unto the last death[247], as well as the first.

37 And now, my brethren, seeing we know[248] these things, and they are true[249], let us repent, and harden not our hearts, that we provoke not[250] the Lord our God[251] to pull down[252] his wrath upon us[253] in these his second commandments which he has given unto us[254]; but let us enter into the rest of God, which is prepared according to his word.

(Alma 12–12:37)


[1] OT (8) NT (7) BM (18) DC (2) JE (250)

[2] BM (1) JE (14) JE: “those oracles were now silenced and struck dumb, and gave no more answers.”

[3] OT (6) NT (5) BM (1) JE (4)

[4] NT (2) BM (1) DC (2) JE (30) JE: “There are many ways that men have of deceiving one another in trading, not by downright lying, that yet are not right in the sight of God”

[5] BM (4) PGP (1)

[6] BM (5) JE (250) J”E (Brainerd): “They seem to have no consciousness of sin and guilt,” “he will Repay em according to their Consciousness of Guilt they shall see”

[7] BM (1) JE (13) JE: “a man can't be said to be thoroughly sensible of his guilt till he is sensible of that he deserves hell”

[8] NT 5) BM (5) JE (9)

[9] BM (3) DC (3) JE (10) « unfolded » BM (4) DC (4) JE (30) JE: “The mysteries that are in it, and the mysteries of God's Providence, will be all unfolded !" “the church is not as yet arrived to that perfection in understanding the Scriptures, as we can imagine is the highest that God ever intended the church should come to. There are a multitude of things in the Old Testament which the church then did not understand, but were reserved to be unfolded to the Christian church, such as the most of their types and shadows and prophecies, which make up the greatest part of the Old Testament; so I believe there are many now thus veiled, that remain to [be] discovered by the church in the coming glorious times. 

[10] BM (2) JE (9)

[11] OT (3) BM (1) JE (4)

[12] OT (1) NT (6) BM (8) DC (3) PGP (1) JE (15)

[13] OT (12) NT (3) BM (4) DC (1) JE (250)

[14] OT (1) NT (4) BM (5) DC (3) JE (15)

[15] NT (1) BM (1) JE (1) NT: ”thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God” (Acts 5:4)

[16] BM (3)

[17] BM (2)

[18] OT (1) NT (3) BM (1) JE (130) NT : « But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit” (1 Corinthians 2:10)

[19] BM (42) DC (3) PGP (2) JE (170)

[20] BM (2) DC (1) PGP (1) JE (100)

[21] BM (2) JE (50) JE : « was cunningly chosen by the devil to be the instrument of the temptation. The Bible tells us that Satan chose him because of his subtlety “

[22] BM (3)

[23] OT (1) Nt (1) BM (18) DC (4) JE (30)

[24] BM (2) JE (6)

[25] BM (1) JE (2)

[26] NT (1) BM (21) JE (17) NT: “Only they would that we should remember the poor”(Galatians 2:10)

[27] NT (1) BM (1) DC (7) PGP (1)

[28] OT (40) NT (6) BM (5) DC (3) JE (250) JE : « They were in the devils snare. The devil as he is a malicious so is a subtil adversary”

[29] BM (2) DC (1) JE (2)

[30] BM (1) DC (1) JE (15)

[31] OT (3) NT (1) BM (3) JE (25)

[32] BM (5) DC (1)

[33] NT (1) BM (9) JE (40)

[34] BM (1) JE: “when once Christ has thus rescued them from captivity , he by his mighty power defends them’

[35] NT (2) BM (1) JE (6)

[36] OT (1) NT (3) BM (18) JE (1000+)

[37] OT (7) NT (3) BM (2) JE (360) JE : « they are growing in the knowledge of God, so they are more and more convinced of their ignorance”

[38] NT (14) BM (56) DC (12) JE (200)

[39] OT (1) NT (3) BM (2) JE (35)

[40] NT (1) BM (3) DC (2) JE (1) NT : « a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12)

[41] “intents of his heart” OT (1) BM (2)

[42] NT (5) BM (1) JE (15)

[43] NT (1) BM (18) DC (2) PGP (2) JE (40)

[44] BM (2) JE (1)

[45] « know more concerning » BM (1) ; « concerning the kingdom of God” NT (2) BM (1)

[46] NT (69) BM (37) DC (14) PGP (2) JE (180)

[47] BM (1) JE « what does he mean”

[48] NT (11) BM (18) DC (5) JE (50)

[49] “rise from the dead” NT (3) BM (7) DC (1) “all shall rise from the dead” BM (3) JE: “All these shall now rise from the dead” “all men shall rise from the dead”

[50] BM (1) JE (5) JE paraphrasing Acts 24 :15 « there shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust (Acts 24:15)

[51] BM (8) DC (1)

[52] “stand before God” NT (1) BM (8) DC (1) JE (10)

[53] BM (8) DC (1) JE (7) JE : «  we are told in Scripture that men shall at the last day be judged according to their works” paraphrasing Rev 20:12 “"And the dead were judged out of those things that were found written in the books, according to their works"

[54] OT (1) BM (7) DC (7) JE (14)

[55] “expound these things” BM (2)

[56] NT (1) BM (8) DC (3)

[57] BM (1) PTP (1) JE (30) JE : « the want of spiritual light or sight does not loose from the obligation one is laid under by the divine command to believe instantly on Christ”

[58] BM (2) JE (2)

[59] BM (1) DC (1)

[60] BM (5) JE (9)

[61] BM (1) DC (1) “children of men” OT (23) BM (131) DC (39) PGP (15) JE (130)

[62] BM (3)

[63] OT (1) BM (3) JE (2)

[64] BM (2)

[65] OT (2) NT (1) BM (1) DC (2) JE (120)

[66] OT (1) BM (24) DC (5) JE (20)

[67] BM (2)

[68] OT (1) NT (3) BM (4) JE (90)

[69] “nothing concerning” NT (1) BM (7) JE (2)

[70] “concerning his mysteries” BM (1) “his mysteries” BM (4) JE (1)

[71] OT (3) NT (1) BM (7) JE (40) JE : « taken captive is a lively emblem of the way of the devil with many wicked men”

[72] “captive by the devil” BM (1) JE (2) JE: “mankind were universally taken Captive by the devil.”

[73] BM (3) JE (5) JE: “they are cast down to destruction in a moment” JE paraphrases Psalms 73:18 “thou castedst them down into destruction (Psalms 73:18)

[74] BM (6) DC (1)

[75] BM (4) JE (4)

[76] BM (1) JE (1) JE: “then speak particularly concerning DEATH

[77] NT (1) BM (4) DC (1) JE (140) JE : « what is faith, that it should raise men above the level of mortality” “their mortality was destroyed and they put on immortality

[78] BM (1) JE (2) JE : » he had a prospect of her being the mother of mankind in a state of immortality , living in deed, living and never dying.”

[79] NT (1) BM (1) JE (1)

[80] BM (6) JE : « God’s bar »

[81] BM (1) JE (2)

[82] OT (1) BM (5) JE (4) JE: “to harden their hearts against the word that is preached”

[83] BM (1) JE (2) JE : « he nature of that religion which God requires of us, and must be found in us,”

[84] OT (1) BM (1) JE (60)

[85] “state be awful” BM (1)

[86] BM (1) DC (3) JE (15)

[87] NT (2) BM (3) JE (17) NT : « heart condemn us” JE: “our knowledge will only condemn us , and not save us”

[88] OT (1) NT (1) BM (3) JE (80)

[89]“found spotless” BM (4)

[90] BM ()12) DC (2) JE (29)

[91] BM (1) JE (90) JE: “Thus sometimes judging, intends only judging in our thoughts; at other times, testifying and declaring judgment. So such words as justify, condemn, accept, reject, prize, slight, approve, renounce, are sometimes put for mental acts, at other times for an outward treatment.”

[92] BM (4) JE (2) JE : « lead 'em at such a time seriously to reflect on their own awful state

[93] NT (2) BM (1) JE (90)

[94] BM (2) JE (9) JE (Brainerd) « look up to the "Father of mercies"”

[95] OT (1) NT (1) BM (1) PGP (1) JE (30)

[96] BM (2) JE (1)

[97] NT (1) BM (1) JE (7) Note: “feign” OT (2) NT (1) JE (80) JE : « I would fain be at this in my own case” “they would fain be saved”

[98] BM (1) JE (2) JE : « They will have no time to put on their garments. They therefore that ben't found with them on, must come forth naked.”

[99] OT (4) BM (5) JE (15) JE : « when we come to stand before him

[100] OT (1) NT (1) BM (5) DC (1) JE (100)

[101] BM (1) JE (2) JE: “he now appears in such glorious majesty and dominion in heaven”

[102] BM (1) JE (4)

[103] BM (2)

[104] OT (2) BM (1) JE (30)

[105] OT (6) NT (2) BM (4) JE (70)

[106] BM (1) JE (3)

[107] BM (2) JE (2)

[108] BM (2) JE (4) JE : « to be exceeding careful to bring forth fruit meet for repentance

[109] NT (4) BM (6) DC (2) JE (75)

[110] BM (8) JE (40) JE : “On those that had part in the first resurrection, or spiritual resurrection, the second death had no power, that is, the spiritual death “ “I think 'tis evident, the first resurrection is a spiritual resurrection, and the second death is a spiritual and eternal death

[111] BM (7) DC (1) JE (140)

[112] NT (4) BM (13) DC (11) PGP (1) JE (80)

[113] BM (5) JE (7)

[114] BM (1) JE (35) JE: “where the smoke of their torments is said to ascend ÎµÎ¹Î¶ τους αιωνας των αιωνων”

[115] NT (1) BM (10) DC (1) JE (17) NT : « cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” (Revelation 20:10)

[116]“for ever”  NT (2) JE (3) “forever” BM (5) JE (6)

[117] “then is the time that” BM (3)

[118] BM (1) JE (1) JE: “Fain would they be active as a flame of fire, but they find themselves, as it were, hampered or chained down

[119] “power of Satan” NT (1) BM (2) PGP (1) JE (45)

[120] BM (3) JE (3)

[121] OT (4) NT (2) BM (9) JE (35)

[122] OT (2) NT (1) BM (1) JE (8)

[123] BM (4)

[124] BM (1) DC (1)

[125] BM (1) JE (1)

[126] OT (37) NT (1) BM (28) JE (21)

[127] OT (2) BM (4) JE (3)

[128] BM (2)

[129] OT (8) NT (2) BM (3) JE (4)

[130] NT (3) BM (7) DC (1) JE (24)

[131] OT (1) BM (4) JE (40) JE: “Changed from an evil state to a Good one”

[132] BM (2) DC (1) JE (5) JE : « the things of this present mortal state, and all temporal enjoyments, must give place to a future immortal state

[133] “soul can never die” BM (1)

[134] NT (1) BM (2) JE (60) JE : « tis impossible, that the soul, wherein it is, should sink and perish: 'tis an immortal seed; 'tis eternal life begun; and therefore, they that have it, can never die

[135] BM (2) PGP (1) Note: 1830 BM used biblical “Cherubims.” BofM paraphrases “So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life. (Genesis 3:24) BM and JE use “cherubims and the flaming sword” “flaming sword” OT (1) BM (3) PGP (1) JE (37)

[136] OT (1) BM (1) PGP (1) JE (3)

[137] BM (13) JE (160)

[138] BM (5) JE (20) JE : « the fruit of the tree of life was not yet produced, but that it was revealed to Adam that after a while, that tree should produce fruit, that whosoever eat of [it] should live forever, ”

[139] BM (4) PGP (1) JE (65) « live for ever” OT (12) NT (2) JE (13) NOTE: JE and BM use “forever” instead of biblical “for ever.”

[140] BM (1) JE (1) NOTE : JE in sermon.

[141] BM (6) DC (1) JE (100) JE : «  our first parents understood, when fallen, that the tempter, in persuading them to eat the forbidden fruit” “Our first parents, by eating the forbidden fruit , "broke all the ten commands at once”

[142] BM (5) JE (8)

[143] BM (24) JE (34) JE : « Thus we see how the light of the gospel which began to dawn immediately after the fall

[144] BM (1) PGP (1) JE (5) JE : « Man's misery by his fall

[145] OT (1) BM (20) DC (1) PGP (3) JE (570) JE : « It actually proved, that all mankind became sinful”

[146] NT (1) BM (1) JE (9)

[147] BM (2) JE (70)

[148] OT (1) BM (1) DC (1) JE (20)

[149] BM (3)

[150] BM (1) JE (1) JE : « one that wickedly makes God a liar

[151] OT (10) BM (1) PGP (3) JE (50)

[152] BM (1) JE (4) JE: “If you die and death comes upon you and finds you unprepared”

[153] BM (1) JE (6) JE: “to suppose that the death which he here speaks of as coming on mankind by Adam's sin”

[154] BM (2) “space granted, time granted”

[155] BM (1) JE (2)

[156] BM (3) JE (6)

[157] BM (2) JE (8) JE : “all that God did from the first fall of man to that time to prepare the way for it”

[158] BM (3) JE (1)

[159] BM (2) JE (10)

[160] BM (1) JE (2)

[161] OT (2) BM (3) DC (1) JE (65)

[162] BM (17) JE used the term “work of redemption” instead. JE (Brainerd) « I saw more of God in the wisdom discovered in the plan of man's redemption.”

[163] NT (10) BM (22) DC (10) PGP (3) JE (130)

[164] BM (2) JE (1)

[165] BM (15) DC (2) JE (120)

[166] NT (5) BM (10) DC (2) JE (45)

[167] «first parents » BM (13) JE (160) « our first parents” BM (11) JE (135)

[168] BM (1) JE (3)

[169] BM (5) JE (2)

[170] OT (3) NT (3) BM (15) PGP (4) JE (190) JE : “Let us therefore, who are all partakers of that misery of the fall, embrace the glad tidings. As you have heard, the offer is free: nothing required now but going and taking of the fruit of the tree of life ”

[171] BM (18) DC (2) PGP (2) JE (900)

[172] BM (1) JE (2) JE : « it will be forever miserable . God is the fountain of happiness, and to be separated from him is the greatest misery.“

[173] BM (3) JE (10) JE : « Before things were in a kind of preparatory state , but now they are in a finishing state.”

[174] BM (3) DC (2) JE (90)

[175] BM (3) “void” OT (20) NT (4) BM (3) DC (2) PGP (2) JE (230)

[176] « taking none effect » BM (1)

[177] OT (2) NT (6) BM (1) DC (1) JE (12)

[178] NT (1) BM (1) JE (30)

[179] NT (1) BM (2) JE (6) NT: “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)

[180] “They must die” BM (1) JE (30); “must die” OT (4) BM (2) JE (130) JE: “When the appointed time for men to die comes, they must die

[181] BM (1) JE (110) JE: “as it is appointed to men once to die in consequence of their sin, and after death is but one judgment

[182] BM (1) JE (9) JE: “we commonly say Christ will come to judgment at the end of the world”

[183] NT (1) BM (2) JE (2)

[184] BM (1) JE (35) JE: “seemed to be sure of their purpose, of which we have spoken already.’

[185] BM (2) JE (15) JE: “the passing a right judgment of these things within himself, which is the end of human trials” [suggesting that “end” means purpose or objective.”

[186] BM (1) JE (20)

[187] BM (2)

[188] “come unto man” BM (2)

[189] NT (1) BM (11) DC (2) JE (1)

[190] NT (2) BM (1) JE (1)

[191] NT (1) BM (11) DC (1) JE (10)

[192] OT (4) NT (2) BM (7) DC (49) PGP (2) JE (25)

[193] BM (2)

[194] BM (1) JE (18)

[195] OT (1) BM (1)

[196] OT (2) NT (1) BM (10) DC (2) PGP (4) JE (4)

[197] BM (4) JE (2) JE: “Praise the Lord, call on his name

[198] BM (11) DC (5) JE (1)

[199] BM (3)

[200] OT (1) NT (1) BM (1) JE (8)

[201] “according to their faith” BM (12) DC (3)

[202] BM (5) DC (1) JE (80)

[203] BM (1) JE (5)

[204] BM (1) DC (1)

[205] BM (1) JE (2)

[206] NT (1) BM (22) DC (18) PGP (2) JE (1600)

[207] BM (2)

[208] BM (2)

[209] BM (1) JE (2) JE: “the End of our being Placed in this state is that we might here be in a state of Probation

[210] BM (3) JE (1)

[211] OT (1) BM (1)

[212] NT (1) BM (1)

[213] NT (1) BM (1) JE (3)

[214] BM (1) JE (2)

[215] BM (1) DC (2) JE (70)

[216] BM (3) JE (2)

[217] BM (9) JE (4)

[218] “pertaining unto” OT (1) BM (4) DC (1) “pertaining to” OT (1) NT (6) BM (11) DC (24) PGP (4) JE (170)

[219] OT (4) NT (1) BM (1) JE (300)

[220] OT (3) NT (1) BM (10) DC (3) JE (40)

[221] BM (2) JE (2)

[222] BM (2)

[223] “supreme goodness” BM (1) “supreme” NT (1) BM (3) DC (1) JE (800)

[224] OT (1) NT (1) BM (13) JE (140)

[225] BM (2) DC (1) JE (120)

[226] NT (1) BM (2) DC (1) JE (5)

[227] NT (3) BM (5) DC (1) JE (7)

[228] OT (2) BM (2) JE (2) OT: “with everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee” (Isaiah 54:8)

[229] “through mine Only Begotten Son” BM (2)

[230] NT (5) BM (5) DC (10) PGP (3) JE (120)

[231] BM (4) DC (1)

[232] BM (1) DC (1) “remission of sins” NT (7) BM (7) DC (11) PGP (3) JE (120)

[233] OT (1) NT (3) BM (2) DC (1) JE (8)

[234] OT (1) BM (3) JE (2)

[235] OT (2) NT (1) BM (8) DC (1) JE (3)

[236] BM (1) JE (2) JE: “Unto whom I swear in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest." paraphrasing Psalm 95 :11 “Unto whom I sware in my wrath that they should not enter into my rest. (Psalms 95:11)

[237] OT (1) BM (3) JE (7)

[238] “the rest of the Lord” BM (6)

[239] OT (1) BM (5) DC (1) JE (8)

[240] OT (1) BM (1) JE (1)

[241] BM (3) JE (2)

[242] “first provocation” BM (1)

[243] OT (6) NT (2) BM (3) JE (80)

[244] BM (16) JE (2) JE: “and have done the will of God, and according to his Word , in setting forward such an affair at this day”

[245] “last provocation” BM (1)

[246] “destruction of your souls” BM (1)

[247] BM (1) DC (1)

[248] BM (1) JE (4)

[249] BM (10) DC (8) PGP (1) JE (30)

[250] NT (2) BM (1) JE (1)

[251] OT (89) NT (3) BM (8) DC (1) JE (80)

[252] OT (2) NT (1) BM (5) JE (30)

[253] BM (1) JE (1) JE: “if we go on in sin, he will destroy us, and cast us out of his sight, and pour his wrath upon us

[254] BM (1) JE: “that which he has given to us on purpose…”