Sunday, November 17, 2019

Brainerd 9

I doubt not but that all who have well observed mankind will readily grant this, that it is not all those who by their natural constitution or temper are most disposed to dejection, that are the persons who are the most susceptive of lively and strong impressions on their imagination, or the most subject to those vehement impetuous affections, which are the fruits of such impressions; 
but that many who are of a very gay and sanguine natural temper are vastly more so, and if their affections are turned into a religious channel, are much more exposed to enthusiasm than many of the former. 
And as to Mr. Brainerd in particular, notwithstanding his inclination to despondency, he was evidently one of that sort of persons who usually are the furthest from a teeming imagination; 
being one of a penetrating genius, of clear thought, of close reasoning, and a very exact judgment and knowledge of things in divinity, but especially in things appertaining to inward experimental religion; 
most accurately distinguishing between real solid piety and enthusiasm, between those affections that are rational and scriptural, having their foundation in light and judgment, and those that are founded in whimsical conceits, strong impressions on the imagination, and those vehement emotions of the animal spirits that arise from them. 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Brainerd 8

There is one thing in Mr. Brainerd, easily discernable by the following account of his life, that may be called an imperfection in him, which though not properly an imperfection of a moral nature, yet may possibly be made an objection against the extraordinary appearances of religion and devotion in him, by such as seek for objections against every thing that can be produced in favor of true vital religion; 

and that is, that he was one who by his constitution and natural temper was so prone to melancholy and dejection of spirit. 

There are some who think that all serious strict religion is a melancholy thing, and that what is called Christian experience is little else besides melancholy vapors disturbing the brain, and exciting enthusiastical imaginations. 

But that Mr. Brainerd's temper or constitution inclined him to despondency, is no just ground to suspect his extraordinary devotion, as being only the fruit of a warm imagination.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Brainerd 7

I am far from supposing that Mr. Brainerd's inward exercises and experiences, or his external conduct, were free from imperfection: 
The example of Jesus Christ is the only example that ever was set in the human nature, that was altogether perfect; 
which therefore is a rule to try all other examples by; 
and the dispositions, frames, and practices of others must be commended and followed no further, than they were followers of Christ.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Brainerd 6

In the following account, the reader will have opportunity to see, not only what were the external circumstances and remarkable incidents of the life of this person, and how he spent his time from day to day, as to his external behavior; 
but also what passed in his own heart, the wonderful change that he experienced in his mind and disposition, the manner in which that change was brought to pass, how it continued, what were its consequences in his inward frames, thoughts, affections and secret exercises, through many vicissitudes and trials, from thenceforth for more than eight years, till his death; 
and also to see how all ended at last, in his sentiments, frame and behavior, during a long illness, and what were the effects of his religion in dying circumstances, or in the last stages of his dying illness. 
The account being written, the reader may have opportunity at his leisure to compare the various parts of the story, and deliberately to view and weigh the whole, and consider how far what is related is agreeable to the dictates of right reason and the holy Word of God.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Brainerd 5

Such an instance we have in the excellent person [David Brainerd] whose Life is published in the following pages. 
His example is attended with a great variety of circumstances, tending to engage the attention of religious people, especially in these parts of the world: 
He was one of distinguished natural abilities; 
as all are sensible that had acquaintance with him: 
He was a minister of the Gospel, and one who was called to unusual services in that work, whose ministry was attended with very remarkable and unusual events, an account of which has already been given to the public; 
one whose course of religion began before the late times of extraordinary religious commotion, but yet one that lived in those times, and went through them, and was very much in the way of the various extraordinary effects and unusual appearances of that day, and was not an idle spectator, but had a near concern in many things that passed at that time; 
one that had a very extensive acquaintance with those that have been the subjects of the late religious operations, in many of these British colonies, in places far distant one from another, in people of many different nations, of different educations, manners and customs; 
one who had peculiar opportunity of acquaintance with the false appearances and counterfeits of religion: 
one who himself was the instrument of a most remarkable awakening, and an exceeding wonderful and abiding alteration and moral transformation of such subjects as do peculiarly render the change rare and astonishing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Brainerd 4

These have a great tendency to engage the attention of men to the doctrines and rules that are taught, and greatly to confirm and enforce them; 

and especially when these bright examples have been exhibited in the same persons that have been eminent teachers, so that the world has had opportunity to see such a confirmation of the truth, efficacy, and amiableness of the religion taught, in the practice of the same persons that have most clearly and forceably taught it; 

and above all, when these bright examples have been set by eminent teachers in a variety of unusual circumstances of remarkable trial; 

and God has withal remarkably distinguished them with wonderful success of their instructions and labors, consisting in glorious events that have been in many respects new and strange.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Brainerd 3

God also in his Providence has been wont to make use of both these methods to hold forth light to mankind, and inducement to their duty, in all ages: 

He has from time to time raised up eminent teachers, to exhibit and bear testimony to the truth in their doctrine, and oppose the errors, darkness and wickedness of the world; 

and also has, from age to age, raised up some eminent persons that have set bright examples of that religion that is taught and prescribed in the Word of God; 

whole examples have in divine providence been set forth to public view. 

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Brainerd 2

We are posting excerpts from Jonathan Edwards' biography of David Brainerd because of its importance in understanding the language of the Book of Mormon. This will become apparent in the coming excerpts.


Jesus Christ, the great prophet of God, when he came into the world to be "the light of the world", to teach and enforce true religion, in a greater degree than ever had been before, he made use of both these methods: 

In his doctrine he declared the mind and will of God, and the nature and properties of that virtue which becomes creatures of our make and in our circumstances, more clearly and fully than ever it had been before, and more powerfully enforced it by what he declared of the obligations and inducements to holiness; 

and he also in his own practice gave a most perfect example of the virtue he taught. 

He exhibited to the world such an illustrious pattern of humility, divine love, discreet zeal, self-denial, obedience, patience, resignation, fortitude, meekness, forgiveness, compassion, benevolence, and universal holiness, as neither men nor angels ever saw before. 

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Brainerd - 1

We had a lot of interruptions, but we're back to continue your daily Jonathan Edwards.

We're going to present excerpts from Edwards' Life of David Brainerd, starting with

Author's Preface
There are two ways of representing and recommending true religion and virtue to the world, which God hath made use of: 

the one is by doctrine and precept; the other is by instance and example: 

Both are abundantly used in the holy Scriptures. 

Not only are the grounds, nature, design and importance of religion clearly exhibited in the doctrines of Scripture, and its exercise and practice plainly delineated and abundantly enjoined and enforced in its commands and counsels: 

but there we have many excellent examples of religion, in its power and practice, set before us, in the histories both of the Old Testament and New.