Sunday, June 13, 2021

The earth will be lightened/transfigured

D&C 63:20 Nevertheless, he that aendureth in faith and doeth my bwill, the same shall overcome, and shall receive an cinheritance upon the earth when the day of transfiguration shall come;

21 When the aearth shall be btransfigured, even according to the pattern which was shown unto mine apostles upon the cmount; of which account the fulness ye have not yet received.

Fourth. The future appearance of Christ in his glory at the day of judgment, that will be most pleasant and joyful to the saints, will be dreadful and amazing to those that have rejected Christ. At the day of judgment, the Sun of righteousness shall appear in its greatest glory; Christ shall then come in the glory of his Father, and all the holy angels with him. In the morning of that day, this Sun shall arise and shine forth with rays inconceivably bright.

He shall shine with a brightness far exceeding the brightness of the natural sun, even so much that the sun shall be turned into darkness before it. It shall appear dark in comparison of it.

This shall be the most joyful and pleasant sight to believers that ever their eyes beheld. It will be a thousand times more refreshing to them than ever was the sight of the rising sun to them that have wandered in a wilderness, through the longest and darkest night. The sight of [it] will fill their souls with unspeakable gladness and rejoicing. It will be a bright day to the saints. The beams of that glorious Sun that will then appear will make it bright. The earth will be lightened with his glory, and the light of his glory that the world will then be filled with will be a sweet light to them. That brightness that the disciples saw on the Mount when Christ was transfigured before them was some resemblance of it: that was most pleasant to the disciples, so that they said it was good to be there, and were for building tabernacles that they might dwell there; and Peter calls [it] an “excellent glory” that they saw there (2 Peter 1:17).

But this appearance, that will be so pleasant to believers, will fill the souls of unbelievers with amazement. The first sight of it will strike them with terror. They shall be for hiding “in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains” [Revelation 6:15]. Every ray of that glory that Christ shall then appear in will be like a stream of scorching fire, and will pierce their hearts with a keener torment than a stream of fierce lightning. They shall see Christ appearing in his majesty, and it will be dreadful majesty to them, that will fill 'em with horrors and set them a-trembling and gnashing their teeth, at the same time that it fills the hearts of the saints with rejoicing and their mouths with singing.

That day will burn as an oven indeed. That brightness that the light of Christ's glory shall fill the world with will be more terrible to them than if the world was filled with the fiercest flames. It will make the world like an oven to them, and as it were turn it into a furnace. Christ will then appear

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an infinitely holy, just judge. The sight of this holiness and justice will be joyful to the saints; it will appear as a ravishing beauty in their eyes. But the ungodly will hate the sight of it. Christ's pure eyes will pierce their souls with torment, like piercing flames of fire that they cannot endure. Christ will then sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. He shall be as a refiner's fire that shall burn up the dross [Malachi 3:3].

So that day that will be the brightest and most pleasant to the godly that ever they saw, shall be the most dismal day to the others that ever they saw. The light of the same majesty and glory that shall fill the world with light to the one, shall fill it as it were with tormenting fire to the other. In his light shall be a paradise for the one and an oven or furnace for the other. 

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